LRO Staffing Blog


Ottawa’s Best 20 Fall Activities & Events

Being the country’s capital city has its advantages. One of the many benefits of living in our beautiful and vibrant city is the plethora of events, both family and adult-friendly alike. Due to the presence of the federal government and hundreds of national associations and organizations, Ottawa is a big…
Morgan Young
September 5, 2019
Employee Management

How to Be a Great Remote Employee

Companies, increasingly aware of the benefits of providing their workforce with more flexibility, are experimenting with the idea of allowing more employees to become remote workers. Even more traditional organizations are starting to see that there are considerable advantages to allowing staff to telecommute at least a certain number of…
LRO Staffing
August 15, 2019

How to Retain Your Best Employees – A Comprehensive Guide

Companies often dedicate a considerable amount of time, effort, and money toward ensuring they recruit the best employees they can find. Unfortunately, too often, the same cannot be said about companies endeavours to retain those same employees for the long-term. While some regular turnover is expected as people move throughout…
LRO Staffing
July 17, 2019
The Top 20 Paying Jobs in OttawaJob MarketOttawa

The Top 20 Paying Jobs in Ottawa

With the amount of well-paid jobs rising in the Capital Region, more than ever before we are seeing a considerable diversity in the industries that are putting down roots right here in Ottawa. The most recent City of Ottawa data has Ottawa’s Median family income at $102,000, and when compared…
LRO Staffing
July 3, 2019
Ottawa Legal Salary Guide 2019Job MarketOttawaSalary Guide

Ottawa Legal Salary Guide 2019

We’ve been helping Legal professionals find rewarding careers in the Ottawa region since 2005. As a result, we have a unique set of insights into what is happening in this dynamic field that continues to grow at a healthy pace alongside the Candian economy. More and more companies are opening…
LRO Staffing
June 5, 2019